Male’s Health in the Objective of Stressology – Beyond the Usual — Армен Мурадян

Книга Male’s Health in the Objective of Stressology – Beyond the Usual

Армен Мурадян
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The book “Male’s health in the objective of stressology – beyond the usual” is an example of talented scientific-educational work, interesting, trustworthy and useful to doctors, psychologists, students, and what is more – to a wide range of readers interested in their own mental problems.
Psychological traumas and disappointments, accumulating, entail a discord between feelings, mind and body. We lose a sense of inner integrity, peace in the soul, freshness of feelings and can no longer admire childishly a flower, the sky and their colors, appreciate simple joys of life. As a result, with age, we increasingly feel the tragedy of existence; we plunge into sufferings or into “appraisal experience of life” which substitutes for us the joy of a truly sensual perception and experience of reality. We are inclined to ponder on life rather than live, regretting our own losses. This is the concept of life formed in the human mind during the long years of life of mankind on the earth. The proposed monograph destroys this stereotype. The book is distinguished by substantiation and novelty of the view on a number of key problems of psychic and somatic pathology, imbued with the spirit of scientific optimism and humanism. This is a thoughtful and considerate invitation to a reader to think about a complex system called human-male. The main attention in the publication is devoted to stress and how stress is combined with biological factors of the male body, creating a fine border between pathology and borders of the norm. Authors in their analyses and observations smoothly integrate biology and psychology. The theme of human sexuality, touched on by the authors, is also important. Undoubtedly, human sexuality is itself an interesting subject because it includes a whole range of preferences and complex forms of behavior, especially in men. The book is written by proficient specialists, at the same time it is easy to read since it is addressed to a wide readership.