Carpe Jugulum — Терри Пратчетт

Книга Carpe Jugulum

Терри Пратчетт
Mightily Oats has not picked a good time to be priest.He thought he'd come to the mountain kingdom of Lancre for a simple little religious ceremony. Now he's caught up in a war between vampires and witches, and he's not sure there is a right side.There's the witches – young Agnes who is really in two minds about everything, Magrat, who is trying to combine witchcraft and nappies, Nanny Ogg who is far too knowing … and Granny Weatherwax, who is big trouble.And the vampires are intelligent – not easily got rid of with a garlic enema or going to the window, grasping the curtains and saying 'I don't know about you, but isn't it a bit stuffy in here?' They've got style and fancy waistcoats. They're out of the casket and want a bite of the future.Mightily Oats knows he has a prayer, but he wishes he had an axe.
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