Tourist Mosaic of Belarus — А. И. Локотко

Книга Tourist Mosaic of Belarus

А. И. Локотко
52 local districts of comprehensive historical and cultural heritage are considered. They were pointed out for the first time in scientific practice on the basis of analysis of peculiarities of natural and landscape environment, system of settlements, communications, development of settlements, traditional material and spiritual culture of all regions of the republic. The maps of local historical and cultural territories are provided. The prospective tourist routes (land, water, etc.) are proposed in the described local districts of comprehensive historical and cultural heritage on the basis of the existing natural components, preserved monuments and relics of architecture, history, national art of building, ethnography, and museums in operation. Offers and recommendations how to preserve and use the objects of historical and cultural heritage of small towns and historical rural settlements of Belarus are provided. Names of places on skeleton maps have been made in accordance with International cartographic rules and they could be different from corresponding ones in the text.